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HR Edge:
A Comprehensive HR Solution

Service HR Edge: A Comprehensive HR Solution

HR Edge is a powerful all-in-one platform that streamlines and simplifies your HR processes. The features of our HR software solution enable your organization to operate more efficiently and effectively. HR Edge eliminates the inefficiencies and errors associated with manual HR tasks and integrates key functions such as payroll, benefits administration, time and attendance tracking, and performance management into a single, user-friendly platform.

 HR Edge: A Comprehensive HR Solution

Your All-in-One HR Management Solution


Check In/Out

Employees can easily login and mark attendance using facial recognition, ensuring accurate attendance records.


Attendance Monitoring

HR managers and employees can track attendance in real-time, ensuring accountability and compliance with company policies.


Reporting and Analytics

HR managers and employees comprehensive attendance reports provide valuable insights for workforce planning and data-driven decision making.


Employee Attendance Tracking

Real-time Updates

Employees can access their updated pay information at any time, and changes are reflected in real-time, promoting transparency and trust

Detailed Breakdowns

Employees can easily get a clear understanding of their salary and attendance reports which includes all the relevant factors.

Accurate Calculations

HR Edge's advanced algorithms ensure precise salary calculations, taking into account factors like attendance, overtime, and deductions.

Employee Leave Management


Intuitive Interface

HR managers and Employees can easily submit, track, and manage their leave requests through a user-friendly platform, eliminating the need for paper-based processes.


Approval Workflows

HR managers can streamline approval processes, ensuring efficient leave management and compliance with company policies, and reducing administrative overhead.


Real-time Updates

The HR department receives immediate notification of leave status, and employees can share leave information with everyone, thereby promoting transparency in company policies.

Meeting In / Out Tracking And Reporting

Meeting Check-in

Employees can easily log in and out of meetings, ensuring accurate attendance tracking and productivity monitoring.


Real-time Monitoring

Managers can monitor meeting attendance and participation in real-time, allowing them to address any issues or make adjustments as needed.


Meeting Check-in

Employees can easily log in and out of meetings, ensuring accurate attendance tracking and productivity monitoring.


Face Matching for Employee Identification

Secure Access

Ensure workplace safety with advanced facial recognition technology that reliably identifies employees and prevents unauthorized access.


Accurate Identification

HR Edge software identifies employees quickly and accurately, streamlines check-in and check-out processes, and eliminates the need for traditional ID cards.


HR Edge software streamlines employee attendance tracking and access control, freeing your HR team to focus on more strategic initiatives.


User HR Edge to
Make better people decision's

Understand your team and improve work performance

HR managers can leverage our workforce analytics to easily understand productivity trends and patterns, linking efforts invested to results achieved. By analyzing data from computer-based tasks and feedback from third-party tools, our system provides clear insights. These AI-powered analytics help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses while providing actionable feedback for managers. This makes it easier to increase performance and achieve better results.


Make sure your team feels recognized and appreciated

Empower your team by making them feel valued and recognized for their contributions through gamification and rewards. Set up a series of rewards and bonuses that are automatically given based on objective performance. Also, activate peer-driven recognition, allowing team members to express their appreciation for each other with votes and awards. Additionally, providing professional development opportunities and providing constructive feedback shows that you value their contributions and invest in their growth.


Develop a positive and supportive team culture

Promote team engagement by including them in company-wide discussions and celebrations. From celebrating important occasions like birthdays and anniversaries to onboarding new team members or supporting coworkers during tough times, Intellogos offers intelligent tips to aid in this process. Show appreciation for each team member's contributions and provide constructive feedback to help them move forward.


Absence and time off tracking

Easily manage and record employee leaves and absences with our comprehensive absence tracking feature, which provides a seamless solution for workforce management. Get information about who is working during their leave and track the status online.


Task Tracker Web App

HR Analytics Our workforce planning can understand productivity trends and patterns related to the effort invested and the results achieved. We derive these insights from a mix of data, including computer-based work and feedback from third-party tools. Employee databases and AI enable individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and help provide actionable feedback to managers.


User Functionality


Personal Section

Users can easily select the project they want to work on and view the associated tasks.


Task Addition

Users can add new tasks, including details like due dates, priorities, and descriptions.


Task Management

Users can pause, resume, and mark tasks as complete, allowing for seamless workflow management.

Privacy & Transparency
Your team will love

Private By Design

Workforce analytics must help retain privacy. That's why Intelogos is focused on employee privacy.

No Data Intrusion

No keystroke logging, no screenshots, no video recording. Stay calm, knowing your data is private.

Transparent In Nature

Each user gets access to their own info and stats, so they always know what to expect and how to improve.

Helps Career Growth

Provides data that can help users understand their strengths and supercharge their career growth.